Monday, July 18, 2011


They say therapists are like barbers. You need to go, you might not like the one you have but there's you don't stop cutting your hair because of one bad haircut.

I haven't been to therapy in about seven months. It got old, I felt like I was carrying the discussion. For $40 I'll go up to someone on the street, tell them my problems and have them agree with me. It probably won't take me an hour either.

Maybe it's just me but I think most of therapy is getting a second opinion on everyday issues. How many times has a therapist heard "is it me, or is this crazy?" It must be in the millions.

I wonder sometimes if maybe I should have gone to therapy sooner. How would it have changed me if I went in high school or college. Would I be an underacheiver who never completed homework or projects on time? Probably, but at least I could blame therapy.

I probably should have gone at some point earlier in my life. I thought I knew everything there was to know about the world. Of course I was wrong but no one ever listens to their parents at 17.

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